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Two stylized dandelion seeds, one blue and one green, against a white background.
A beautiful park on the Danube


The First Vienna Hotel to Focus on the Common Good Economy

A good atmosphere in a good place. It just feels right at Hotel Henriette. Our foundation is built on sustainability, everything has a special personal touch and right away you can tell: "We are Henriette!" Life is so much better when you live in harmony.

For an economy that considers everyone

Many years ago, Henriette's forward-thinkers Georg and Verena Pastuszyn turned some ways of thinking upside down. Everyday actions are there to be questioned, improved and developed. That's why they chose to employ a balance sheet that is made up of so much more than just boring figures – namely, one that calculates human dignity, solidarity, social justice and environmental awareness. In 2018, our family-run hotel chose to start following the Economy for the Common Good: Henriette City Hotel is the first Vienna hotel with a Common Good Balance Sheet and ECOnGOOD seal.

Book shelf with plants at the first hotel in Vienna with a Common Good balance sheet.
What we are proud of
We are the first hotel in Vienna that follows the values of the Economy for the Common Good.
Woman holding a coffee cup on the balcony of the sustainable Hotel Henriette.
The Henriette magazine on a bed sheet
Our score
410 points. That means we exceed legal requirements by 41%. But: there is so much more work to be done!
Verena and Georg Pastuszyn sitting in the breakfast room with a cup of coffee
Smiling woman relaxing at the Henriette City Hotel in Vienna.
What's next?
Our new balance sheet. We are working on our 2022–2023 Economy for the Common Good balance sheet.
Fresh herbs in pots at the Hotel Henriette, the first Vienna hotel to have a Common Good Balance Sheet.

This is the Economy for the Common Good 

  • The Economy for the Common Good (ECG) is an ethical economic model that is focused towards the common good, cooperation and community.
  • A company's success is defined by values that serve the common good. Economic success is only the basis, not the goal.
  • Human dignity, solidarity, ecological sustainability, social justice and democratic participation are the keywords here.
  • The goal is a good life for all living creatures and the planet, supported by an economic system focused on the common good.
  • It is an initiative to raise awareness; for a change based on the mutual, respectful actions of as many people as possible.

"No, we’re not trying to change the whole world. But our little piece of it? Definitely."

Georg Pastuszyn & Verena Brandtner-Pastuszyn
ECO'n'GOOD Audit report

How is the Common Good Balance Sheet created?

An evaluation matrix was developed to organise sustainability measures taken and measure their effects. The matrix rests on 4 major pillars:

  1. Human dignity
  2. Solidarity and justice
  3. Ecological sustainability
  4. Transparency and democratic participation

The rows of the matrix show stakeholders including customers (aka our guests – yes, YOU!), suppliers, employees, owners & equity and financial service partners, and the social environment. At the intersections, 20 themes describe how a company works towards the common good. Then, it's time to evaluate: How large is the company's contribution?

External auditors conduct this evaluation in a similar way to a classic balance sheet audit – only in this case, they are not called auditors, but rather common good auditors. This balance sheet is valid for two years, then it is audited again. During this period, companies with a balance sheet are allowed to use the ECOnGOOD label.

Common good balance sheet with points distribution of the Henriette Stadthotel

How does a hotel work according to the economy for the common good?

Sounds complicated – so what does all this mean for the Hotel Henriette?

  • Clear guidelines for purchasing: local before organic, organic before conventional, small before large – for example, we'd rather take apricots from the orchard of a hunting association in Burgenland, Austria, than organic apricots from Spain
  • 84% of our suppliers and service providers are local
  • 89.4% of our food comes from Austria, over 70% is organic
  • Commitment to long-term cooperation with suppliers based on the best-not-cheapest bidder principle
For our AREA & our GRÄTZEL?
  • Exterior design with the goal of making Praterstrasse more attractive and adding value
  • Focus on local materials and products for renovations and redesigns
  • Exclusive collaboration with local suppliers and service providers
  • The pillar of ecological sustainability is one of the most pronounced in Henriette's Common Good Balance Sheet. Almost a third of the nearly 170 sustainability measures fall under this topic.
  • They are also a part of SDG 12 "Responsible consumption and production", one of the essential Sustainable Development Goals in terms of the environment.
  • 100% green electricity and water instead of fossil fuels result in a carbon footprint per night (without journey) of 1.21 kg (industry average: 10.77 kg)
  • Water protection through the use of 100% natural bed linen and micro dry steam cleaning
  • Ecological sustainability in the supply chain through 70% organic food and Fairtrade products, for instance
For our TEAM?   

May we introduce our 7 point employee programme:

  • 1 – We know our goal: a clear vision for the future is our compass
  • 2 – We know what's going on: clear ground rules form the basis of our teamwork
  • 3 – We think and join in: with a written set of rules for a culture of appreciation
  • 4 – We look after ourselves and look out for one another: we have fun and stay healthy together with team lunches, celebrations & team activities, and free massages
  • 5 – Further training & development: external seminars & internal training for personal & professional development
  • 6 – We take responsibility: each and every individual contributes for excellent results and  success as a team
  • 7 – Spreading the word: we inspire guests and potential new colleagues through our own stories and Henriette's values
  • Each of the 20 areas of the common good matrix addresses at least one, and usually several, of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
  • For example: E3 "Reduction of environmental impact" corresponds to 17 of the SDGs, specifically SDG 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 17.
  • SDGs 8 and 12 have emerged as key goals for Henriette Stadthotel – and this is reflected in our high common good score in topics C1, E1, D3 and D4. These areas contribute directly to the two Sustainable Development Goals.

The 1st ECO'n'Good Hotel in Vienna

Sustainable with love & ease

Bread from local partners of Henriette Stadthotel
A cleaner conscience
… while you enjoy
The high quality of the food we serve is extremely important to us at Henriette Stadthotel in Vienna. Our partners and suppliers also think sustainably — and regionally.
Woman waking up in the comfy beds at Henriette Stadthotel, Vienna.
Better rest
… while you sleep
What a good feeling to open your eyes in the morning and feel right at home in Vienna. Your room? It's got everything you need! And the bed? Heavenly!
Breakfast with homemade granola and hand-decorated with violets at Henriette Stadthotel, Vienna.
Better food
… at breakfast
As you admire your organic egg, take a moment to think of our dedicated breakfast team. They masterfully transform what Austria’s seasons have to offer into delicious treats.
We have the best price 

Always at least 5% cheaper than anywhere else!

Take advantage of our best price guarantee and great advantages when you book directly with us.

Advantages of booking directly with us
  • Always at least 5% cheaper than anywhere else
  • Possibility for rebooking (with rate difference), irrespective of the chosen rate
  • Early check-in & late check-out included (upon availability)
  • Exclusive rooms & a large variety of special offers
  • Personal customer support
  • Free welcome drink
  • No hidden booking costs or fees, tourist tax included


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019